3 Proven Ways to Master the Law of Detachment in a Chaotic World


Triple Wisdom Wednesdays With Dani Banchev

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Triple Wisdom Wednesdays

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Happy Wednesday my people 🙌

"Sometimes letting things go is an act of far greater power than defending or hanging on" ~ Eckhart Tolle

Are you really in control?

While you’re reading this, your autonomic nervous system is regulating around 12,000 different biochemical reactions per second in your body, controlling essential functions like heart rate, digestion, & respiratory rate—all without any conscious effort from you.

You’re also on a gigantic plasma ball moving at about 107,000 km/h & spinning at 1,670 km/h. If you were outside our atmosphere for even a second, you’d be instantly scorched on one side & frozen on the other. Let’s not forget the endless stream of meteoroids flying by. By the way, the only thing keeping you safe from these extreme conditions is... air.

Even the actions you take daily are driven 95% by your subconscious mind, which absorbs every bit of information you’ve been exposed to since birth. Factors like your gender, nationality, family, & cultural background all significantly influence your life—& none of them were choices you made.

In Western civilization, there is a pervasive urge to be in control, often accompanied by a sense of pride. However, many of history’s wisest thought leaders have concluded that true power is actually found in the act of letting go, often referred to as the Law of Detachment. This is what we're going to explore today.

3 Proven Ways to Master the Law of Detachment in a Chaotic World

1- Your Girl Will Never Be Yours | Mastering Detachment in Relationships

June 2024

My previous partner & I decide to split up after being in a committed relationship for more than 2 years. Given that I consider myself an "awake & spiritual" person, I should be able to let go, move on & heal without too much suffering right? WRONG. As one would expect, it hurts like a b*tch.

July 2024

(Anyone who's ever been through a breakup knows what I'm about to describe next.)

The past is painful. The future is painful. The ego is in full destructive mode. I have no choice but to either distract myself mindlessly or deepen my practice of presence. I’m very grateful to have chosen the second option.

August 2024

As I meditate, cry, reconnect with old friends, journal, heal, &, most importantly, learn to radically accept life in all its beautiful complexity, I gain a profound perspective on the workings of the mind. These insights uncover what truly lies at the root of suffering, not only in relationships but in many other areas of life. What once felt like a curse turns into a blessing.

The wisdom of a broken heart:

"The wound is the place where the Light enters you." ~ Rumi

Here are 3 incredibly powerful principles I got out of this experience:

1- Presence is the foundation upon which all else is built. Literally everything can be taken away from you, except for one thing, the present moment. Presence is where the magic of unconditional love & infinite potentiality unfolds. It must be a priority.

2- Most of us tend to focus on what we can’t control, which is why stress is so pervasive in our civilization. Beyond our focus & actions in the present moment—much of which is also influenced by biological instincts & cultural conditioning—there’s little else we truly control. While it might initially feel disempowering, once you truly grasp the power of this principle, you discover how liberating & blissful it can be. Life becomes lighter, more magical, & more joyful.

3- Separation, attachment, & resistance are the three pillars of suffering. Let’s use a romantic relationship as an example. Whether you stay together or break up, suffering arises from the belief that you are fundamentally separate from one another, the notion that you “belong” to each other, & the resistance to the idea of "splitting up" for good.

Suffering can be avoided by transforming each of these pillars into what I call the three pillars of Freedom: Oneness, Detachment, & Surrender. By practicing awareness of our fundamental unity, recognizing that we are all just energetic beings connecting with each other, & understanding that much of life is orchestrated by an infinite intelligence beyond our control anyways, how could you ever truly suffer? While you might still experience pain, this awareness prevents that pain from becoming a problem worth suffering over.

The idea of being "replaced" in the mind of someone who once "belonged" to you is what literally feels like death to the ego. That's where the fear or the suffering is coming from. It's a total illusion, but we've all been trapped in it at one point or another. You are not alone. So here's...

How to heal from past relationships & prosper in your next one:

1- Shift your internal environment: Immerse yourself in teachings on oneness, detachment, & surrender. Explore books, podcasts, & other resources from authors & speakers who've actually practiced what they preach.

My personal book recommendations: The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle, Letting Go by David R. Hawkins & Radical Acceptance by Tara Brach

2- Shift your external environment: Spend more time outside, reconnect with old friends, meet new people, discover new places & immerse yourself in nature.

Approach it like a workout. You might not always want to exercise, but you always feel good about yourself after you do it.

3- Schedule time to practice radical acceptance: Start by scheduling 15 minutes per day where you sit down, without any distractions, & just take a moment to observe what's happening inside of you in an open & curious way. No judgment, no phone, no headphones, no book, just presence.

As you get comfortable with this practice & uncover its blissful nature, you can start exploring different ways to integrate it into your life.

Remember, healing takes time, & that's okay. We are infinitely deep & complex beings. Self-exploration is a lifelong journey. Enjoy ❤️

2- Everything You Own Will Turn to Dust | The Law of Entropy

"Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished." ~ Lao Tzu

Imagine standing at an animated family reunion, surrounded by the people you cherish most. You see the lively conversations, the shared laughter, & the vibrant energy of life. Now, picture this scene a few hundred years into the future. Every single person you love, every shared memory, every joyful moment will be nothing more than dust...

I know this thought can be incredibly uncomfortable, but that discomfort is just one layer away from true inner peace. Stick with me; I promise it will be worth it.

Life is impermanent. Even the most formidable brands, the most powerful nations, & the most enduring religions are subject to their own decay. Consider Standard Oil, once the most powerful company in the world, founded by John D. Rockefeller, which was eventually broken up under antitrust laws. Think of the Byzantine Empire, which thrived for over 11 centuries before falling to the Ottoman Turks. Or Manichaeism, a once-global religion that competed with Buddhism & Christianity but has now largely lost its significance.

It is even predicted that our sun, which made all of this possible in the first place, will eventually grow into a red giant, expanding so much that it would engulf some of its closest planets, including Earth. Yes, even our beloved planet Earth is destined to face its end.

That impermanence can be attributed to one single fundamental law of the universe. Let me introduce you to...

The Law of Entropy

Everything in the universe is destined to move from order to chaos over a certain period of time. There are no exceptions. The speed at which it happens, however, depends on the level of attention & care it gets.

You could die today if you completely remove your attention from the mission of surviving. You could also live 200+ years if all you ever care about is your health & longevity (especially with our current technology). But no matter what you do, you will die eventually.

The law of entropy can't be ignored because it governs two key aspects of our lives:

  1. Our Instinctive Drive Toward Evolution: Although we pursue various individual goals, our fundamental & universal purpose is evolution. This drive is instilled in us through our natural desire for progress but mostly through our fear of suffering & entropy.
  2. The Necessity of Prioritization: Without attention and effort, entropy would affect every major area of our lives—our body, mind, spirit, relationships, & wealth. The universe grants us a limited amount of time & free will to manage these aspects, compelling us to make decisions about our priorities, whether consciously or unconsciously. It’s this very sacrifice—or the price we pay—that gives whatever we choose to focus on its true value. In this way, the law of entropy ensures that life rewards those who focus on what truly benefits human evolution, ultimately accelerating our progress even further!

Nobody fully understands the ultimate purpose of evolution or entropy. All we can do is work within the framework they provide. Embracing the law of entropy can benefit us in two significant ways:

1- Taking Life Less Seriously (Detachment): When you realize that everything you create will eventually fade into dust, it can reduce the pressure you place on yourself. This perspective frees you from the need for perfection & opens up space for creativity. Some might ask, "What’s the point of doing anything then?" & I get it, I’ve struggled with this nihilistic viewpoint myself.

What saved me was understanding that while our lives & creations may become irrelevant, their ripple effects endure. Due to the principle of cause & effect—where every action has a consequence that influences the future in ways we can't fully see—every seemingly minor action our ancestors took has rippled through time, affecting us & the world we live in today.

For instance, what if your great-great-great-great-great-great-great-great grandfather hadn't made a crucial decision that ultimately led to your lineage's survival? Would you be alive today, creating the impact you're making? The same applies to your future descendants or the people you influence.

2- Becoming More Conscious of How We Spend Our Time & Attention (Personal evolution): Time & attention are our most precious resources. How we use them reflects the quality of our lives. By viewing the law of entropy through the lens of ripple effects, we can become more intentional with these powerful tools. This shift in perspective helps us evolve into our greatest potential & build the life of our dreams.

How to Make the Law of Entropy Your Ally, Not Your Enemy:

1- Zoom Out: Set aside 15 minutes each day to sit quietly, close your eyes, & meditate on the question: "What would the world look like 500 years from now, when I, everyone I love, & everything I’ve created will most likely be forgotten?" You can also journal your reflections. This exercise is crucial for cultivating detachment. Any resistance you feel towards this practice may reflect your current attachment mindset.

2- Build a "ripple effect" vision: instead of focusing on the results you want to achieve in your own life as we usually do, take a moment & write down some of the most exciting ripple effects you could possibly generate for future generations on this planet.

My example: I want to contribute to the exponential movement of awakening towards Oneness & Immortality.

3- Prioritize what matters most: with that vision in mind, you don’t even need to change your habits right away. You only need to see them & their consequences through the lens of your greatest vision for a long enough period of time. Remember, having everything is just like having nothing, because if we had everything, nothing would be appreciated.

3- The Paradox of Control | How Letting Go Gets You Everything

"The desire for more positive experience is itself a negative experience. And, paradoxically, the acceptance of one's negative experience is itself a positive experience." ~ Alan Watts


Steve Jobs, after getting kicked out of Apple, buys a small graphics company from Lucasfilm called The Graphics Group, which would later become Pixar. At first, it’s not looking too good. Jobs, who is used to being deeply involved in everything, gets his hands dirty trying to turn things around. But despite his efforts, things aren’t really taking off.

Early 90s

Steve has a moment of clarity. He realizes that his tight grip on everything is actually holding Pixar back. So, he makes a big decision: he steps back and gives more freedom to the company’s creative brains, like Ed Catmull & John Lasseter. He trusts them to do their thing without constantly looking over their shoulders.


That trust pays off big time. Pixar releases Toy Story, the world’s first full-length computer-animated film. It becomes a massive hit & marks the beginning of Pixar’s incredible success. Jobs’ choice to let go & let his team lead the way turns Pixar into a game-changer in the animation world.

I get it, we're not all in a position to just "let go" & trust our incredibly talented team after being kicked out of Apple & buying a multi-million dollar company. But think about it this way: how often do you hear someone in a relationship say "I wasn’t even looking for a relationship... it just happened" or "It happened when I least expected it"?

And then there’s always that person who’s desperately searching for a relationship but never seems to find success. I’ve been on both sides of that story, & I can tell you—there’s definitely one side I prefer! Let me introduce you to the power of...

The Backwards Law

The backwards law, popularized by philosopher Alan Watts, essentially states that the more we pursue something, the more we push it away. It’s like trying to catch a butterfly by grabbing at it—it just flutters out of reach. The more you focus on achieving a particular goal with intense effort & desperation, the more resistance & anxiety you create, which ironically keeps you from reaching that goal.

The person who’s desperately searching for love often finds themselves single, while those who are content with themselves & not actively seeking a partner often find love unexpectedly. It’s not that you shouldn’t strive for what you want, but the trick lies in balancing your effort with an acceptance of the natural flow of things. By relaxing your grip & letting go of obsessive pursuit, you create a space where success can actually come to you in unexpected ways.

The same principle applies to other areas of life. The more obsessed you are with finding happiness, the more likely you are to feel even more stressed & less fulfilled. Instead, by focusing on the process & embracing the journey, you align yourself more naturally with the outcome you desire.

How to attract everything you've ever wanted by letting go:

1- Know Your Outcome. Clarity is power. If you don't even know what you want, how do you except the universe to help you out?

Action Step: Grab a piece of paper 0r open the "notes" app on your phone, put a 15 minute timer & create a list of the most exciting results you could possibly imagine in the areas of health, wealth, relationships & spirituality. Write as if you're a 5 year old making a list for Santa. Nothing is off limits.

2- Make a long-term plan so good it would be delusional for it to fail. Frequency is everything. You want your subconscious mind to be absolutely certain you'll find a way to make it happen.

Action Step: Break your vision down to the smallest steps of consistent action you can take, an optimal system of daily & weekly habits that would basically make it impossible to fail if you stick to it & keep on improving it for a decade.

3- Be present with each step of the journey. Being fully engaged in the actions you’re taking right now helps you let go of attachment to future outcomes. This practice is often referred to as "surrendered action."

Action Step: Cultivate a meditative state throughout your day. In addition to scheduling 15 minutes daily for meditation, integrate mindfulness into your routine tasks. That is how you unlock the real power of detachment.

I hope these principles will inspire most of you to let go & allow space for infinite intelligence to work its magic.

Remember, whatever you resist, persists. Letting go might feel scary at first, & that's okay. If the law of detachment was easy, everybody would do it, but the fact you even took the time to read this whole newsletter in a world filled with impatience shows that you are on the right path. Trust the process my friend ❤️

Let's win,

Dani Banchev
​​Founder of the Off Pxrn Academy​

P.S. Whenever you're ready, there are 2 ways I can help you:

#1: If your favourite way to learn is by watching videos, I dive deeper into each one of these principles on my Youtube channel.​

#2: If you're a man & you want to learn how to unlock your fullest potential instead of settling for cheap pleasure, join the #1 Divine Brotherhood In The World right now.

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Triple Wisdom Wednesdays With Dani Banchev

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