3 Proven Ways to Make Time Work for You in a Fast-Paced World


Triple Wisdom Wednesdays With Dani Banchev

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Triple Wisdom Wednesdays

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Happy Wednesday my people ❤️

"I have lived with several Zen masters... all of them cats." ~ Eckhart Tolle

Time is an illusion.

Your past is an electric neural network stored in a ball of fatty tissue & water called the brain. Your future is an abstract concept of infinite potential. NOW is all we ever have.

Hold that truth in your awareness & you'll unlock life's greatest secrets.

3 Proven Ways to Make Time Work for You in a Fast-Paced World

1- You’re Not Behind: Why Patience is a Superpower

This is what my first 24 months of "business" looked like:

Summer 2022

I enroll into a life coaching program & get told that I should become a coach. I close my first $1000 deal on my first sales call without knowing what a landing page, a funnel or a “lead” was. I literally just copied everything my coach did to close me. After a few deals, I get scared at how much work & responsibility it really takes to run a business.

Fall/Winter 2022

I “take a break” from that business (which was quitting, but I didn’t want to admit it at the time) & start working at a library (best job of my life). I stay there for a few months until I realize I’m not cut out for a 9-to-5 & can’t settle for it, no matter how comfortable it is.

Winter/Spring 2023

I quit that job, move out of my parents' house, & start working on a second business idea (the Off Pxrn Movement). I grow my audience to 36k followers while learning about the actual game of business—landing pages, funnels, value ladders, leads, & all that marketing stuff—while also trying to build both the business & a membership community at the same time.

Summer 2023 to Winter 2024

I feel lonely, overwhelmed & disappointed by how much “boring” work it takes to actually build a business without employees. I take a break from business once again, deciding to pursue other work until I can make enough money to hire people for the boring tasks, with plans to return when I can focus only on what I love (essentially a beginner's synonym for quitting). I go through a few different jobs (fitness sales for a few weeks, marketing agency setter for another few weeks & network marketing for a few months) None of them make me “enough money.”

Spring/Summer 2024

I move back to my parents' house &, after a Tony Robbins event, realize it was all just a distraction out of fear. All I was missing was courage. I go back in business, learn a lot more with a more patient & open minded perspective, & finally close my first clients (literally while I sleep) using my own system & deeper understanding of business.

Although I know I still have a lot to learn & have probably only scratched the surface, I can confidently say that the “real” game began almost TWO YEARS after my first taste of business. Keep in mind that a lot of other things happened in my life during this time—romantic relationships, creative projects, travel, family time, & more. While this story only focuses on the business side, those other experiences surely had a significant influence on it as well.

Moral of the story & why you should give a f*ck about it:

"Most people overestimate what they can do in a year & underestimate what they can do in a decade." ~ Tony Robbins

Here are 3 things I want you to remember:

1- If it was easy, everybody would do it.

2- You can move ahead of 99% of people just by actually having a big vision & not ever giving up on it as long as you’re alive.

3- It’s going to take a lot of time, & that’s okay. It took the universe billions of years to create the complex & beautiful world we live in. You might think, for example, that a lot of time has passed since Jesus walked this earth, but those 2 Millenia are only about 1% of the existence of our species.

Imagine the 4.5 billion years old Earth as a 24-hour clock, with each hour representing 190 million years. In this grand timeline, an average human lifespan of 75 years would be equivalent to just a tiny fraction of a second—about one-sixth of a second. This shows just how short our individual lives are compared to the vast history of our planet.

The main reason people settle is because they're in a rush. Zoom out. Success is not a sprint, it’s a marathon. Chasing instant gratification is the enemy of progress. While people are thinking in terms of years, think in terms of decades. So here's...

How to build unshakeable patience in a world of instant gratification:

1- Build a Vision: Create a vision for your future so juicy it turns you on. Grab a piece of paper 0r open the "notes" app on your phone, put a 15 minute timer & create a list of the most exciting results you could possibly imagine in the areas of health, wealth, relationships & spirituality. Write as if you're a 5 year old making a list for Santa. Nothing is off limits.

2- Focus on High-Leverage Habits: Dedicate 50% of your day to high-leverage habits or activities that serve the purpose of building an unshakeable foundation for that vision.

My example for wealth: strategic writing for 3 hours every day makes it very hard NOT to make $100k/month minimum in a decade (I will share what I mean by strategic writing in a future newsletter).

3- Cultivate Radical Acceptance: Spend most of your time practicing radical acceptance & appreciation of the present moment. Whether you're resting or working, being present is key. This practice is what enables true patience, helping you appreciate the journey, stay focused, & operate from a state of abundance.

Remember, success takes time, & that's okay. It's not about the goals you achieve, but who you become in the process of achieving them.

2- How to Make 6 Years of Progress in 6 Months

"Life, if well lived, is long enough" ~ Seneca

Let's have a little bit of fun. Pause your reading for a moment, hold your breathe & count to 60 right now.

...how did it feel? Like the longest minute of your life? Now remember the last time you got caught up scrolling on Tiktok & a few hours felt like 15 minutes.

One unit of time is technically the same for all of us—a minute is a minute, an hour is an hour. So why does it feel like time is Usain Bolt at one moment & a long traffic jam the next?

Here's where things get really interesting. Consider the twin paradox. Imagine you have a twin who decides to embark on an interstellar journey aboard a spaceship traveling close to the speed of light. While your twin is speeding through space, you stay on Earth. According to Einstein's theory of relativity, time for your twin will pass much slower than it does for you.

When your twin returns from the journey, they’ll find that you’ve aged much more than they have. In fact, while they might have experienced only a few years, decades could have passed on Earth. This isn’t science fiction—it’s a real effect predicted by the laws of physics.

Time is malleable, but you don't need to go to space to play with it. You can start reshaping your perception of time today through what I call...

The Filter of Progress

The speed of time is perceived through the filter of progress. In retrospect, when we feel like we're making fast progress, time seems to slow down. On the other hand, when we’re stuck in a routine or not moving forward, it feels like time slips away unnoticed, leaving us to wonder, 'Where did all this time go?'

Since time is our most precious resource, the quality of our lives is almost directly proportional to how slow we believe it’s running out & how well we believe we’re using it.

We hate the feeling of losing time because it’s non-rewindable & every second that goes by gets us closer to death.

Here’s where it gets tricky: you might make significant progress in almost every important area of your life, yet if you focus only on one area where progress is lacking, you can still feel deeply miserable.

Therefore, in order to truly feel good about our lives & minimize suffering, there are two key elements we cannot ignore: focus & condensed progress. So here's...

How to progress faster with less pain:

1. Know Your Outcome: Progress is the contrast from point A (where you are now) to point B (where you want to be). Without a clear destination, progress cannot be tracked. If you don’t set your point B, the “matrix” or life will choose one for you.

Action Step: Grab a piece of paper 0r open the "notes" app on your phone, put a 15 minute timer & create a list of the most exciting results you could possibly imagine in the areas of health, wealth, relationships & spirituality.

2. Keep Track of Your Wins: Documenting your successes reinforces positive behavior, builds momentum & increases confidence by making you feel better about your life.

Action Step: Every evening, write down 3 wins from the past day, week, month, or quarter in each area. Highlight which area feels most rewarding, & jot down 3 additional wins for that area.

3. Leverage the 20/80 Rule: Identify which activities are driving the most progress & focus on them. The 20/80 rule states that 20% of your actions will produce 80% of your results.

Action Step: As you track your progress, notice which areas improve the fastest. Concentrate on the mindset & habits associated with those areas. Maximize these effective habits & minimize less productive ones.

3- How to Die Before You Die: The Art of Living

"Death is a stripping away of all that is not you. The secret of life is to die before you die—& find that there is no death." ~ Eckhart Tolle

Global Death Rate: Every day, approximately 150,000 people die around the world. This equates to about 6,250 deaths every hour, or roughly 104 deaths every minute.

While you read these previous paragraphs, hundreds of people died. Another one. Another one. Another one...

Global Live Death Count

Do you think most of these people knew for sure they were about to die today? Do you think their loved ones knew? How does that make you feel?

We tend to spend most of our lives in denial, repressing our thoughts about death, too afraid to even take a glimpse at it.

Yet, in 2022, an estimated 227,664 people died from unintentional injuries or accidents, making it the third leading cause of death in the United States, accounting for around seven percent of all deaths. That's 623 people per day, & it's only in the US.

You or someone you love could literally die today, & that's beautiful.

The power of death

Human beings experience life through contrast. Just as you literally cannot conceptualize prosperity if you've never heard of poverty, or peace if you've never known suffering, you wouldn't know you're alive if there was no death.

Death is our greatest gift, since it allows the miracle of life to exist. One cannot exist without the other. But most people fear it, & that's unfortunate.

I can already hear some of you thinking, 'But fear of death is a survival instinct...' & I would agree, to some extent. That subconscious instinct to survive & procreate will always be there. It’s the reason our species has made it through eons, & there’s nothing we can do about it. But what about suicide? How could some people choose to die despite that instinct? It’s because, unlike other species on Earth, we have the capacity to think.

Why should you give a f*ck about this?

I would argue that it's very important to distinguish between instinctive fear & psychological fear. For instance, your body preparing to run for its life when you see a tiger in the jungle is instinctive fear. On the other hand, worrying about dying alone in the middle of the night in your comfortable bed because your ex ghosted you is psychological fear.

Both trigger similar reactions in your brain, but with a different intensity. Instinctive fear is an incredibly powerful tool for survival, while psychological fear is the most dangerous obstacle to progress & the greatest source of suffering. Most importantly, it can only exist within the illusion of time!

Freedom lies on the other side of death, but not the death you might be thinking of. Die to the idea of your self—the one built on memories of the past & projections into the future—& you will be set free.

Your relationship with death is a direct reflection of the quality of your inner life. So here's...

How to make death your ally, not your enemy:

Set a moment each day to meditate on death.

Many legendary thought leaders throughout history—Socrates, Marcus Aurelius, Buddha, Laozi, Seneca, Rumi, & Eckhart Tolle—spent significant time contemplating mortality. Their reflections reveal the profound power of embracing death as a transformative force.

Action Step: Schedule 15 minutes each day for meditation. Sit down, close your eyes, and repeatedly ask yourself: What if I die in the next 5 seconds?

I hope these principles will inspire most of you to break out of the illusion of time & bend it to your will.

Remember, the secret is to live as if it were your last day internally, while acting as if you were going to live 100 more years externally. Cultivate as much discipline & delayed gratification as possible in your actions, but ensure you are PRESENT in every step of this beautiful journey. I love you all ❤️

Let's win,

Dani Banchev
​Founder of the Off Pxrn Academy

P.S. Whenever you're ready, there are 2 ways I can help you:

#1: If your favourite way to learn is by watching videos, I dive deeper into each one of these principles on my Youtube channel.

#2: If you're a man & you want to learn how to unlock your fullest potential instead of settling for cheap pleasure, join the #1 Divine Brotherhood In The World right now.

Triple Wisdom Wednesdays With Dani Banchev

Sign up to discover new life-changing principles you can implement in less than 15 minutes, every week, for FREE.