3 Proven Ways to Unlock Abundance in a World Trapped in Scarcity


Triple Wisdom Wednesdays With Dani Banchev

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Triple Wisdom Wednesdays

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Happy Wednesday my people 🥂

"And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who couldn’t hear the music" ~ Nietzsche

There is inconceivable abundance in the universe.

It is approximated that 117 billion human beings have walked on Earth since the emergence of Homo sapiens & that we are currently only 1 out of 8.7 million different species of living organisms on our planet. That's 1 out of 8 planets in our solar system, which is 1 out of over a billion solar systems in our galaxy, which is 1 out of billions of galaxies in a universe that continues to expand beyond our wildest imagination.

If you think your problems are unique, trust me, you are not alone.

When it comes to money, it's estimated that roughly $24 billion is added to the global money supply every day, while global sales reach around $500 billion daily. If you think money is scarce, trust me, that's not the problem.

The problem is that we fall into the trap of focusing so much on what we've lost, what we could lose, & what we lack, that we forget how much we already have, which creates a self-fulfilling prophecy of scarcity & limitation. It's time to end this cycle.

3 Proven Ways to Unlock Abundance in a World Trapped in Scarcity

1- How To Make The Law Of Attraction Work For You (No BS)

July 2024

I am still recovering from a breakup. Due to my high productivity in business (effective way to distract myself from the painful situation), everything is booming... except for the sales. The "new members" chart in my community is completely dead. It feels like nobody is giving a f*ck.

August 2024

One day, I get tired of that BS & decide to test the power of visualization on my morning walk. I close my eyes & imagine receiving $10k in my bank account right now. To my own surprise & despite all my big dreamer talk of making $1M/month one day, all I feel is fear. "What the f*ck..."

After a few seconds of confusion, I go "no wonder my sales have been so shitty, I'M LITERALLY AFRAID OF MAKING MONEY." Since I'm very familiar with the power of the subconscious mind & I know that there isn't a single second to waste here, I immediately buy a book called "Secrets of The Millionaire Mind" by T. Harv Eker.

Two Days Later

As I'm slowly exploring the reasons why I have this internal block & working on healing it, I get on a call with one of my most intuitively connected friends. Her compassionate presence surprisingly makes me cry & release a whole lot of deep-seated emotions. I go to sleep feeling lighter.

Next morning, I wake up & for the first time in weeks, I see a notification on my phone saying "Congratulations for your new customer." I had attracted a new client while I sleep.

Moral of the story & why you should give a f*ck about it:

The law of attraction is real. That's just one recent example out of hundreds that have happened to me, to my close circle & to my clients. It's actually scientifically proven that we create an electro-magnetic field around our bodies.

Study: The Impact of Heart Coherence on Human Physiology & Behavior: A Study Using Heart Rate Variability & Electroencephalograms (EEG)

Authors: McCraty, R., Atkinson, M., Tomasino, D., & Bradley, R.T.

Published By: HeartMath Institute, 2009.

Summary: The researchers found that when you focus on positive emotions like love & gratitude, your heart creates a stronger, more organized electromagnetic field that can be measured several feet away.

This isn’t just feel-good talk—it’s science. That powerful energy directly influences your brain, making you think clearer, feel better, & literally radiate positivity that impacts everything around you. This is your body's natural power, & it's something you can harness right now to attract what you want.

So, here’s my BS-proof definition of manifestation: it’s the creative act of turning imagination into reality. Everything ever created by humans started as an idea in someone’s mind. How you feel impacts your imagination, & your imagination shapes what you create. So, here’s...

How to actually manifest anything you want without even trying:

1- Close your eyes & visualize clearly whatever you desire in the areas of health, wealth, relationships or happiness right now. Make it something relative to the season of life you're in at the moment.

My example: receiving a $10k check in my bank account.

2- Do it long enough to notice how it actually makes you feel & place your awareness on that feeling in a curious, accepting & loving way. "Everything is shown up by being exposed to the light, & whatever is exposed to the light itself becomes light." ~ St.Paul.

My example: whether I was alone or with my friend, I noticed a certain feeling of fear so I placed my awareness on it & let it be until it was naturally released.

3- Express gratitude for everything you already have in that area of life.

Here are some statistics that will remind you of how lucky you already are:

  • As of 2023, around 9.2% of the world's population, or about 700 million people, live on less than $2.15 per day, which is the World Bank's threshold for extreme poverty.
  • Access to Banking: Around 1.4 billion adults worldwide do not have access to a bank account, limiting their ability to save money, secure loans, or build wealth.
  • Homelessness: There are approximately 150 million homeless people worldwide, and about 1.6 billion people live in inadequate housing conditions.

You manifest by healing the electro-magnetic (or emotional) blockages you have around your desire & by replacing them with electro-magnetic fields of abundance, love & plenitude.

2- This One Habit Will TRULY Change Your Life (Starting Today)

"Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms—to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one’s own way." ~ Viktor Frankl

In World War II, Viktor Frankl, an Austrian neurologist, psychiatrist, & Holocaust survivor, was imprisoned in several Nazi concentration camps, including Auschwitz. In the midst of unimaginable suffering, he observed that those who could find something to be grateful for, no matter how small, were more likely to survive.

Even when they were starving, or even tortured, some prisoners expressed gratitude for a sunrise, a kind word, or a small piece of bread. Frankl himself practiced gratitude by focusing on the love he had for his wife, even though he didn’t know if she was still alive. He would imagine conversations with her, & this inner life gave him strength. He also found meaning in his suffering, believing that if he could endure it with dignity, he could inspire others to do the same.

After surviving the Holocaust, Viktor Frankl went on to write his groundbreaking book Man’s Search for Meaning, which became an international bestseller. His profound insights not only resonated with millions but also led to the development of Logotherapy, a new school of psychotherapy that helps people find meaning & purpose in life, even in the face of suffering.

Moral of the story:

Gratitude is the key.

"What's wrong is always available, but so is what's right." ~ Tony Robbins

Everything you've ever wanted is hiding on the other side of gratitude. Why? Because the reason you want it in the first place is the belief that it will actually allow you to experience the feeling of gratitude.

You don't want the money, you want the feeling of having money. You don't want the relationships, you want the feeling of being in a relationship. You don't want the fit body, you want the feeling of having a fit body.

Where are feelings coming from? Your brain. Where is your brain? Inside of you. Everything you've ever wanted is already within you, & it can be accessed through the power of gratitude.

My simple definition of gratitude: a state of abundance, love & plenitude a.k.a everything you've ever wanted. so here's...

How to live in a state of gratitude (if you give a f*ck about eliminating suffering)

1- Grab a journal or a piece of paper & a pen, then place them on your pillow right now. If you're not home, put an alarm on your phone for when you will be.

2- Every evening, right before going to sleep, write down 10 things you're grateful for in the areas of health, wealth, relationships & wellbeing (you can call this one happiness or spirituality).

If you’re struggling to find reasons to be grateful, consider this perspective: Approximately 703,000 people die by suicide each year, making it the fourth leading cause of death among 15-29-year-olds worldwide (World Health Organization, 2021). Those types of statistics will always remind us to zoom out & remember how lucky we already are.

3- Once you're done, place your journal on your phone so that you could automatically be reminded to do the same thing when you wake up.

The biggest obstacle in life has always been fear, but guess what? You can't be fearful & grateful at the same time. Enjoy ❤️

3- How the Top 1% Manifest Anything They Want.

"The Rich Get Richer & The Poor Get Poorer" ~ Everybody

Here are three statistics that will blow your mind:

  • Global Wealth Inequality: The richest 1% of the global population owns 46% of the world's wealth, while the bottom 50% own less than 1%. (Source: Credit Suisse Global Wealth Report, 2022)
  • Wealth of Ultra-Rich vs. Average Citizens: The wealth of the world's 2,365 billionaires is equivalent to the wealth of the bottom 4.6 billion people combined. (Source: Forbes Billionaires List, 2023)
  • Wealth Concentration in Africa: In Africa, the wealthiest 1% control about 35% of the continent’s wealth, while over 70% of the population lives on less than $2 a day. (Source: African Development Bank, 2022)

This pattern of unequal distribution isn’t new—it’s as old as humanity itself. Contrary to what most woke people are preaching these days, there's nothing much you can do about it. It's a law of nature.

Sure, you can try to implement a different system, like communism, but you & I both know how that ended... which leaves us with two choices:

  1. We either complain about it while being slaves to the system & feeding the pockets of the rich
  2. Or we commit to becoming part of that top 1% so that we could actually do something about the problem from a place of power & influence

If you choose the first option, that’s perfectly fine, but the rest of this newsletter might not be relevant for you. If you opt for the second choice, however, the next few minutes could transform your life.

There’s a reason why these billionaires have managed to sustain their wealth for decades, even generations. It’s not because they’re simply lucky, greedy, selfish, or evil—though some might be, as with any group of people, but that's completely irrelevant for our own success.

What’s important for us is understanding the core principle that has allowed them, especially the self-made ones, to rise from humble beginnings to extraordinary success in just a few decades. If they could achieve this, either through their own efforts or their family's, then we can do it too.

So let's talk about the...

Algorithm of the universe

We don’t experience life, we experience the life we focus on. Your subconscious mind has its own energy based algorithm. Wherever you put the most focus, you will experience more of. Where focus goes, energy flows.

If you focus on fear, you will see more things to be afraid of. Focus on love & you will have more reasons to be happy. Our lives are a direct reflection of the information we consume on a consistent basis.

This is the real meaning of manifestation. Your subconscious mind is responsible for 95% of your thinking, feeling & behavioural habits. Your habits are responsible for your results. Shift your subconscious mind & you will shift your results.

Think about it, what are these billionaires consistently exposed to?

  • Overflowing levels of abundance
  • Other billionaires with similar standards & mindsets around money

This is the real reason why the rich get richer & the poor get poorer. It's all a question of environment. It's very difficult NOT to stay wealthy when all you see is abundance & all your friends are ballin' like crazy.

I can already hear some of y'all thinking "well, that's exactly why I'm destined to stay poor forever." WRONG ❌

That's exactly why you have the power to create an abundance of wealth over your lifetime no matter where you start from! 🎉

There are two crucial things to understand:

  1. We don’t experience objective reality directly; we experience the reality our senses are perceiving at any given moment. (Proof: you weren’t consciously aware of the sensation of your clothes touching your body until you read this sentence.)
  2. On a subconscious level, the human brain cannot make the difference between imagination & reality. (Proof: you can experience real anxiety while watching a horror movie, even though you know it’s fictional.)

Therefore, when we dig a little deeper, we realize that the most important environment isn’t even the external world.... it’s actually our internal environment! It's all about the information, the thoughts, the feelings, the emotions & the energy you are exposed to on a daily basis.

Sure, it might be easier when all of that abundance is already present in your external environment, but that doesn't mean you cannot use the incredible power of books, podcasts, documentaries, visualization, mediation, incantations & music to start creating a massive shift in your life right now!

How to manifest like the 1%:

1- Define Your Goals:

  • Grab a piece of paper or open the "notes" app on your phone.
  • Clearly define what you want in the areas of health, wealth, relationships, & wellbeing.
  • List all the compelling reasons why you want these goals. Make it juicy. Remember, human beings don’t take action without a compelling reason, & without action, there are no results.

2- Identify Role Models: Find 3 to 5 role models based on these criteria:

  • They have achieved most of what you want in the most of the core areas of life (for example: avoid multi-billionaires who are also depressed or unhealthy).
  • They have sustained their success for over a decade.
  • They started from a place similar to yours.

3- Model Their Success: Immerse yourself in their mindset & model their blueprints for life. Study how they think, speak, & act. Depending on your current financial situation, you can:

  • listen to their interviews
  • read their books or biographies
  • watch documentaries about them
  • buy their courses
  • attend their events
  • pay for 1-on-1 coaching with them!

Hunt for pieces of action you can take based on their recommendations &, even more importantly, on their own path to success. That's how you actually reprogram your subconscious mind to work for you & not against you.

"If you want to be successful, find someone who has achieved the results you want & model what they do & you'll achieve the same results." ~ Tony Robbins

I hope these principles will inspire most of you to begin healing your limitations & tapping into the true power of abundance.

Remember, you don’t attract what you want; you attract what you are. The abundance you seek is already within you—your only job is to connect with it. As Wayne Dyer wisely said, "Abundance is not something we acquire. It is something we tune into."

Let's win,

Dani Banchev
​​Founder of the Off Pxrn Academy​

P.S. Whenever you're ready, there are 2 ways I can help you:

#1: If your favourite way to learn is by watching videos, I dive deeper into each one of these principles on my Youtube channel.​

#2: If you're a man & you want to learn how to unlock your fullest potential instead of settling for cheap pleasure, join the #1 Divine Brotherhood In The World right now.

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Triple Wisdom Wednesdays With Dani Banchev

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