3 Proven Ways to Stay Focused in an Age of Endless Distractions


Triple Wisdom Wednesdays With Dani Banchev

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Triple Wisdom Wednesdays

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Happy Wednesday my people 🥂

"Where focus goes, energy flows" ~ Tony Robbins

Most people major in minor things. They know more about a celebrity’s sex life than how to improve their own health, wealth, relationships & wellbeing. The internet is widening the gap between those that want to learn & those that want to be entertained.

We carry around the sum of human knowledge in our pockets. It’s the easiest time in history to achieve anything you want, 100x faster than your ancestors, but it comes at a price. It’s also the easiest time in history to do nothing & entertain yourself with mindless content to death.

Focus is the skill that will separate those who take advantage of it from those who let it destroy them. Which one are you going to be?

3 Proven Ways to Stay Focused in an Age of Endless Distractions

1- I Spent 1000 Days Trying to Get Rich Quick... Here's What I Learned

Mistake #1

January 2022

The crypto bull run is on fire. NFTs are the hottest new thing. I'm watching youtube videos, hanging out in discords, making the most out of this "once in a lifetime" opportunity.

April 2022

3 NFT investments, 1 pump & dump scam, & a bunch of emotional crypto trading decisions later, I lost more than $2000. My dream of "escaping the matrix" turned into a nightmare.

Mistake #2

January 2023

I move out of my parents house with the dream of building a business. I am committed to learning about the game & doing whatever it takes to succeed.

Two weeks later

I come across a webinar teaching me about the power of funnels. This super successful guru shows me how this marketing strategy is basically the greatest thing ever & how it will make me rich fast & easy if I build it through his software following the steps in his course. I buy his whole thing for $2997, dedicated to launch my offer & have my first profitable month in business by June.

June 2023

Despite countless hours of hard work & dedication, learning about the game of business from scratch, 36k followers, 500 emails collected from a waiting list, I still haven't made a single dollar from that business. That's when a quote from Tony Robbins hits me: "Most people overestimate what they can do in a year & underestimate what they can do in a decade." He was right. It's almost never as easy as what it seems in the beginning.

I don't blame the funnel marketer. He technically didn't promise any specific result in x amount of time. He just played the rules of marketing like a master. The mistake was mine for expecting big results fast.

Lonely, overwhelmed, disappointed & with $2997 less in my bank account, I “take a break” from business deciding I was going to focus on something else until I make enough money to hire people that could do that boring & complicated funnel stuff for me. This is what I call a beginner's synonym for "quitting."

Mistake #3

September 2023

I participate to a goal-setting workshop. The public speaker makes me go through a process of noting down all of my biggest desires in different areas of life. I make the realization that the only thing I'm missing in my life is money. I dedicate myself to the goal of making $1 million dollars by September 21st 2024.

With that filter in my mind, I look at the 3 different projects/jobs I'm currently committed to. The first is an appointment setter for a non-fiction book marketing agency (great team, great conditions, basically a dream job for me). The second is network marketing. The third is my own business (I was only creating content at that moment). "Which one could even possibly allow me to make $1 Million in the next year?"

I end up choosing network marketing.

March 2024

6 months of work later, completely unfulfilled & a few thousand more dollars in revenue, not only do I realize that going from 0 to $1 million in a year with that business model was completely impossible, but that the game isn't any different from all other pursuits. I still have to pay the ignorance tax in the first months & it still takes way more sacrifice than what it looks like on the surface. My mind goes "If it was easy, everybody would do it." F*ck.

Moral of the story:

Those painful mistakes eventually turned into a great blessing. More clarity in my vision, more alignment in my business & more wisdom on my journey were born out of it. Plus, I get to share that experience with you so that you can progress faster with less pain. Win-Win. So here's the big lesson:

Urgency in a context of low sacrifice tolerance creates the most dangerous distractions. (let me explain)

When I made all of these decisions, I knew I wanted to make a whole lot of money & I knew all of my reasons why, but wanting it FAST (urgency) without considering what I'm not willing to sacrifice (low sacrifice tolerance) was my mistake.

Sure, going from making 20k per year to $1 million in a year is possible, but at what cost? Good f*cking luck trying to 50x your income in a year without sacrificing some of your health, close relationships or peace of mind.

Nothing wrong if you do. Most people's crazy stories of ridiculously fast success happened when they actually didn't have a choice. Someone was either going to die or be born soon. That's when sacrificing EVERYTHING makes sense. But the common mistake here is to expect the big results fast without being willing to pay the price. So here's...

How to create a distraction-proof vision (if you give a f*ck about saving your time & money):

1- Uncover your ultimate version of greatness in the areas of health (body), wealth (business), relationships (love) & wellbeing (mind) by creating a list of the most exciting results you could possibly imagine for each one of them. Write as if you're a 5 year old making a list for Santa. Nothing is off limits. Put a 15 minute timer & go ALL IN.

My example for wealth: I want to make $1 million/month, doing what I love & working less than 40h/week as a digital nomad.

2- Uncover your sacrifice tolerance by creating a list of everything you're not willing to sacrifice until you get to that greatness.

My example for health: no matter what, I will never sleep less than 7 hours per night on average for more than 3 days.

3- Now that you know what you want (greatness) & what you're not willing to do to get there (sacrifice tolerance), picture what your life would look like in a decade (not in a year) if you actually GO ALL IN starting today WITHOUT sacrificing what's most important to you. This is what your greatest potential looks like. Why would you settle for anything less than that?

Every distraction steals energy away from that greatness, whether it's cheap pleasure like pxrn or shiny objects like "get rich quick" strategies.

Every time you come across a new opportunity, remember to ask yourself: does that actually get me closer to my vision in all 4 areas or does it pull me away?

This question is the key.

"Quality questions create a quality life. Successful people ask better questions, and as a result, they get better answers." ~ Tony Robbins

2- How to Get Ahead of 99% of People (Start Doing This Today)

Let's play a game. I will give you 3 real-life examples of what Albert Einstein called the 8th wonder & you have to guess what it is.

1- Warren Buffet started investing at the age of 11. Over 90% of his wealth was accumulated after the age of 65.

2. The average income in the US is $5k/month. Let's say you start today at $1k/month & you only grow your income by 1% every week, how much do you think you would you be making in a decade? The answer is $176k per month (35x higher than the average)!

3. For an overweight man with a sedentary lifestyle weighing 220 pounds (100 kg), it takes about 2,278 calories a day to maintain his weight. If that man wanted to slowly get back to the average male weight of 180 pounds in a few years, how many calories would he need to cut per day? To lose 40 pounds in 3 years, he would need to cut around 128 calories/day. That's literally just one less beer per day!

Did you guess the powerful principle I'm talking about here?

The compound effect!

"Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it; he who doesn't, pays it." ~ Albert Einstein

There are better, smarter & more connected people than you trying to achieve the same vision as you. You’re not special. What makes you special is your consistency.

You can literally beat 99% of your competition just by not ever giving up as long as you’re alive. Success is not a sprint, it’s a marathon. While people are thinking in terms of years, think in terms of decades. So here's...

How to unleash the power of the compound effect (if you give a f*ck about success)

1- Pull your ultimate version of greatness from the previous exercise & choose AT LEAST one daily habit for each one of these categories that would get you closer to that greatness.

My example for all categories: walking/running 10k steps (health), writing for 3 hours (wealth), blocking out a minimum of 1 non-negotiable hour to be fully present with people I love in person or on a call (relationships) & meditating for 30 minutes (wellbeing).

2- Create your optimal routine. What would an ideal day look like for you on the road to greatness?

My current routine (it constantly changes, the idea is to have some kind of baseline): sleep between 10pm & 7am. Walking, cold shower, stretching & meditation between 7am & 9am. Deep work writing between 9am & 12pm. First meal, calls, working out, content creation, video editing & other busy work between 12pm & 6pm. Second meal, friends, family, sunset, reading, hygiene & gratitude practicing between 6pm & 10pm.

3- Commit to constant & never-ending improvement. Do that routine for a week, notice what works & what doesn't, adapt it accordingly & repeat that process as you progress on your journey.

Bonus Tip: Leverage the 20/80 Rule

Once you've implemented your new habits, remember the 20/80 rule: 20% of your actions will produce 80% of your results. As you track your progress, identify which habits are delivering the most impact. Double down on those and let go of the rest. This simple shift in focus can propel you further, faster, and with less effort—maximizing your success on your journey to greatness.

The magic is in the small daily wins. Your job is to stack as many of them as possible. Then, let the compound effect do the rest.

3- The Rise of Online Gurus (What They Don't Want You to Know)

November 2018

Logan Paul drops a podcast with Jay Alvarez. I am completely blown away by the wisdom, charisma & alignment of this man. I check out his instagram & realize this guy is literally making money by travelling around the world to exotic places, having fun, hanging out with hot girls, creating content & sharing his wisdom along the way. My perspective on life changes forever. He becomes one of my idols.

April 2019

It's time to choose what college program I want to go in. Since I am obsessed with replicating Jay's lifestyle, I choose tourism. In my mind, this is the most natural way to start making money while traveling the world & sharing my experiences to build an audience along the way.

May 2021

After 1 year of studying tourism, I realize that it's the most boring & meaningless pursuit I have ever undertaken. I quit the program.

July 2021

I am still obsessed with creating the "Jay Alvarez" lifestyle. Tourism might not have been the way, but I am committed enough to find another way. Acting & modelling is the answer. Not only would I be able to travel the world while having fun & hanging out with hot girls, but I will have even MORE fame, significance & attention. My ego gets hard at the idea.

July 2022

After a year of trying out acting & modelling as a side hustle, I realize how toxic & superficial the entire industry is. I quit.

Moral of the story:

I have nothing against Jay Alvarez. Matter of fact, the level of freedom, wisdom & adventure he embodies still greatly inspires me to this day.

My mistake here was actually something I only truly understood years later, after falling into the same trap over & over again:

The most dangerous distractions of all are other people’s wants & desires.

Some people are so aligned with their own vision & values that they become magnetic for others who haven’t embraced their own yet. The stronger the vision, the stronger the magnetic effect.

In the world of influence, confidence is the currency. This leads us to a very important question: how do we keep on learning from others while staying aligned with our own vision? I got you.

In the 1940s, French mathematician Jacques Hadamard conducted a study to uncover the secrets behind some of the greatest scientific breakthroughs. He surveyed renowned mathematicians & scientists, including Albert Einstein, to learn how they arrived at their most groundbreaking ideas.

The surprising result? Many of these brilliant minds reported that their key insights did not emerge from intense logical reasoning, but rather from moments of inner stillness—when their minds were at rest.

This is the power of intuition. Since we're all one on the level of the quantum field, you can be certain that all of the answers you've ever looked for are already "within" you. In other words, by tapping into your intuition, you're accessing the infinite intelligence that connects us all, allowing it to guide you towards the answers you seek.

In a world of overflowing information, intuition is our only chance at filtering meaningful wisdom from superficial ideas. So here's...

How to become so confident in your own vision you go from being distracted to being magnetic (the power of intuition):

1- Follow your curiosity. It's the fundamental spark that fuels the beginning of every journey. Every goal, idea or vision you have in your life was once born out of curiosity. The best part about it is that similar to love, curiosity doesn't lie. It comes directly from source & cannot be faked. This is why it's also your greatest ally when it comes to intuition. We were all naturally curious as kids, but some of us forgot what it feels like when we became adults.

Action Tip:

  1. Grab a piece of paper (or a notes app), put a 15 minute timer & note down absolutely everything that catches your interest in life. Choose one or two items on that list, find a related book or podcast on that subject & let the journey begin.

2- Create space for inner stillness. The last step served as a way to fill your mind with energetic information. It's how we plant the seeds of unique vision & progress in our minds. Now it's time to create an inner space in which they will be allowed to flourish.

Action tip - Two habits you can implement today to unleash the power of inner stillness:

  1. Sit down & watch your thoughts, feelings & emotions as they come & go for 20-30 minutes per day. No headphones, no guiding tracks, no music, just being. We can call it open meditation.
  2. Whenever your mind tends to be the loudest, go for a walk. I don't know about you, but my mind always talks the most sh*t in the morning. I know that for some people, it's in the evening. The point is that walking allows you to ground yourself in the present moment. No headphones, no audiobook, no podcast, no music, just walk. It will allow your mind to quiet a lil bit & the intuition to get louder.

"The answers are already within you, you just can't feel them because your mind is making too much noise." ~ Eckhart Tolle

I hope these principles will allow most of you to 10x your progress by burning all distractions out of your life.

Remember, it's the easiest time in history to achieve everything you've ever wanted. What used to take your grandpa days to research through countless encyclopedias in the local library can literally take you seconds to learn with AI. Abundance of knowledge, wisdom & information is everywhere. You have only one price to pay for it: discipline your focus.

Let's win,

Dani Banchev
​​Founder of the Off Pxrn Academy​

P.S. Whenever you're ready, there are 2 ways I can help you:

#1: If your favourite way to learn is by watching videos, I dive deeper into each one of these principles on my Youtube channel.​

#2: If you're a man & you want to learn how to unlock your fullest potential instead of settling for cheap pleasure, join the #1 Divine Brotherhood In The World right now.

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Triple Wisdom Wednesdays With Dani Banchev

Sign up to discover new life-changing principles you can implement in less than 15 minutes, every week, for FREE.